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πŸ“½οΈ About​

Tape is a social-media platform.

πŸ’ͺ Community​

For a place to have open discussions on features, voice your ideas, or get help with general questions please visit our community at Discord.

πŸ”­ What's inside?​

This monorepo uses Pnpm as a package manager. It includes the following apps and packages:

πŸ—οΈ Apps​

webFrontend application
embedEmbed Video Player
cronCron jobs for background tasks
apiBackend server
ogOpen graph meta tags generator

πŸ“¦ Packages​

abisContract Interfaces
configShared lint config
constantsConstants for the entire application
contractsPermissionless signup contracts
helpersCollection of browser and generic helpers
lensEverything related to Lens
uiUI components

πŸ†• Getting Started​

Install all dependencies from repository root,

pnpm install

Start the application,

pnpm dev

and visit http://localhost:4783

🀝 Contributors​

We love contributors! Feel free to contribute to this project but please read the Contributing Guidelines before opening an issue or PR so you understand the branching strategy and local development environment.

πŸ“œ License​

Tape codebase is open-sourced software licensed under the AGPLv3.